So I think it’s pretty obvious that I love Kickstarter, ha ha. So many cool things are getting launched on there that otherwise probably wouldn’t make it to the mass consumers.
Recently I found (and backed) this light meter. The Luxi is an attachment for the iPhone that lets you use it as a light meter. It’s pretty cheap, much cheaper than a standalone light meter. So that makes it attainable for just about anyone cost wise. And since it’s a small attachment it’s easy to just leave in your bag and keep on you for jobs. Easier than hanging onto a stand alone meter.
I meant to post this before the Kickstarter campaign ended but I just got busy. The good news it that it will go into production and will be available to people outside of Kickstarter at some point. Currently it’s only for iPhone 4, 4S, and 5’s.
Once I get mine I’ll post a follow up article and compare it to a standard light meter. Make sure that it’s working like it should!